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Studio Art
(68 Art)

Instructor: Laurie Mondragon

Students in this class will study and apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.  We will be creating two and three dimensional artwork throughout the year. Projects may take 3-4 weeks, especially in the upper grades. The course will include artist studies and will explore art in various regions and cultures of the world.  Some projects will be just plain fun, but always with an emphasis on the elements of art.  In addition, we may tackle a collaborative project depending on time.

Laurie Mondragon grew up in Yuma, AZ and loves serving the Body of Christ and our amazing community.  She currently teaches art at Southwestern Christian School and at Vector Academy.  Laurie has a BS in Elementary Education and an MA in Multicultural Education, with emphasis in Speech Communications, ELL, and Art Education.  Over the last 33 years, Laurie has enjoyed teaching at O.C. Johnson School, homeschooling her own children and others, and teaching the most recent 13 years at SWCS.  She has been married to Pastor Paul for the last 32 years and has two grown children and three grandchildren. Laurie's heart beats for all things Jesus, children, and the beauty in God's creation.  She considers herself a surrendered woman, who simply longs to honor and bring glory to her LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, who "drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God." (Ps. 40:2-3a) The Vector Art Studio classes are a wonderful opportunity for students to understand and appreciate art in our world as they create their own masterpieces. 

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